
Step 1: Download the deployment package

You can download the deployment package from web page or command line.

  • From web:
    Go to the release page of this project. Select the package according to the architecture of your machine and the mode you want to use.

  • From command line:

    • VERSION : the release tag.
    • MODE : ss or sskcp.
    • ARCH : the architecture of your machine. It can be x86 and armv6.

    e.g : Deploy a sskcp server on a x86 machine with the release 0.4.8 by executing


Step 2: Unzip

unzip [MODE]-server-imageAPI-x86-[VERSION].zip
cd [MODE]-server-imageAPI-x86/

Step 3: Prepare the configuration

The configuration for server imageAPI looks like following:

├── conf
│   ├── kcp.json # if mode is ss, this file is not exists.
│   └── ss.json 
└── config.env

The explanation of each file:

  • [ss.json]: the configuration of ss.
  • [kcp.json]: the configuration of kcp.
  • [config.env]: the environment file which content is the variables for the instance.

The template of environment file looks like following:

MODE=[ss or sskcp]

The configuration can use the confgenerator to generate.

Step 4: Config a instance

cd [mode]-server-imageAPI-x86/
make config CONFIG=[configuration path] NAME=[NAME]

The explanation of those arguments:

  • [CONFIG] : The absolute path to configuration directory.
  • [NAME] : The instance name. This name is used to control the instance. Must be uniqueness.

e.g : Generate a compose file named 7010.yml with the configuration in ~/conf/2010-

cd ~/sskcp-server-imageAPI-x86/
make config CONF=~/conf/2010- NAME=7010

Therefore a compose file named 7010.yml is generated in ~/sskcp-server-imageAPI-x86/compose/.

# 7010.yml
    command: supervisord -c /service.conf.d/sskcp-redir-x86.conf
    image: elespejo/sskcp-x86:0.4.8
    network_mode: host
    restart: always
    - source: ~/conf/2010-
      target: /serverconf
      type: bind
    - source: ~/log/2010-
      target: /serverlog
      type: bind
version: '3.2'

For testing configed instance , use another makefile target 'test_config':

make test_config NAME=[NAME]

Step 5: Start the instance

Start the instance with the name you specified in the config step above.

make start NAME=[NAME]

e.g: start instance 7010

cd sskcp-server-imageAPI-x86/
make start NAME=7010

After starting the instance successfully, you may see the output similar with the following:

docker-compose -p 7010 -f ~/sskcp-server-imageAPI-x86/compose/7010.yml up -d
Creating 7010_sskcp-server_1 ... done

Step 6: Restart the instance

make restart NAME=[NAME]


make restart NAME=7010

After restarting the instance successfully, you may see the output similar with the following:

docker-compose -p 7010 -f ~/sskcp-server-imageAPI-x86/compose/7010.yml up -d --force-recreate
Recreating 7010_sskcp-server_1 ... done

Step 7: Check status of the instance

make status NAME=[NAME]


make stop NAME=7010

You may see the output similar with the following:

docker-compose -p 7010 -f ~/sskcp-server-imageAPI-x86/compose/7010.yml ps
       Name                      Command               State   Ports
7010_sskcp-server_1   supervisord -c / ...   Up
docker-compose -p 7010 -f ~/sskcp-server-imageAPI-x86/compose/7010.yml logs
Attaching to 7010_sskcp-server_1
sskcp-server_1  | 2018-10-12 04:02:09,572 CRIT Supervisor is running as root...
sskcp-server_1  | 2018-10-12 04:02:09,572 CRIT Supervisor is running as root...
sskcp-server_1  | 2018-10-12 04:02:09,574 INFO supervisord started with pid 1
sskcp-server_1  | 2018-10-12 04:02:09,574 INFO supervisord started with pid 1

Step 8: Stop the instance

make stop NAME=[NAME]


make stop NAME=7010

After stoping the instance successfully, you may see the output similar with the following:

docker-compose -p 7010 -f ~/sskcp-server-imageAPI-x86/compose/7010.yml down
Stopping 7010_sskcp-server_1 ... done
Removing 7010_sskcp-server_1 ... done

Step 9: List the instances

make list

You may see the output similar with the following:

for compose in `ls ~/sskcp-server-imageAPI-x86/compose`;do name=`echo $compose|awk -F "." '{print $1}'`;echo $name;docker-compose -p $name -f ~/sskcp-server-imageAPI-x86/compose/$compose ps;done
       Name                      Command               State   Ports
7010_sskcp-server_1   supervisord -c / ...   Up

Step 10: Remove the compose file

make remove NAME=[NAME]


make remove NAME=7010

You may see the output similar with the following:

rm ~/sskcp-server-imageAPI-x86/compose/7010.yml

Check whether the remove step successfully:

ls compose | grep 7010

results matching ""

    No results matching ""